Clarendon Road

Clarendon Road


Clarendon Road Developments Limited

Planning Approved Nov 2017

11,716 sq.m of B1(a) office space
154 residential units
484.83 sqm A3 use
263.43 sqm Gym

Ground plus 23 storeys with 2 basement levels

Commercial, Hotels and Leisure, Mixed Use

Architecture, Landscape, Planning


The proposed building has been designed as mixed use over 23 storeys.

The design concurs with local plan policy where Clarendon Road is identified as a flagship employment area for Watford and is an appropriate location for taller buildings.

Landmark scheme for the redevelopment of the site to create a mixed use development comprising up to 11,716 sq.m of B1(a) office space on 8 floors, 154 residential units on 23



  • High (exceptional) quality new building for office and residential use
  • Enhance contribution of site to both Clarendon Road and Beechan Grove
  • Establish an improved relationship with pedestrians at street level
  • Introduce much needed residential accommodation to the town centre
  • Maintain strong Clarendon Road building line with an active frontage
  • Deliver a building that is an appropriae scale for Beechen grove and Clarendon Road
  • A building that complements taller buildings in the town centre
  • Respect the sunlight / day light factors of neighbouring properties


The scheme also includes:

  • basement car parking
  • a gym and cafe
  • a podium ‘sky garden’ for residents

A mixed use scheme with offices on the lower levels and residential units above with three levels of basement parking.  There are cafes and restaurants located on the ground floor along with a gym and there is a roof top cafe above the offices.  Extensive sky gardens and roof terraces have been designed to enhance the amenity spaces.