Spring Mews
Spring Mews
Vauxhall, Lambeth
CLS Holdings
Commenced 2010
Planning Approved 2012
Student Accomodation
Architecture, Master planning
A mixed use regeneration development in a Conservation Area within London, which brings an underutlised site back into beneficial use with sympathetic architectural treatment and scale, reflecting the area’s post industrial artisan heritage.
PRC prepared a masterplan with the principal use as a student residential campus, providing 399 student bedrooms with ancillary common / TV rooms / leisure / study facilities together with support services.
The student housing building is formed in a ‘U’ shape that contains a first floor roof terrace at its centre. Each facade of the ‘U’ is designed with a similar elevational language, adopting a varied arrangement of windows and spandrel panels.
The masterplan also includes a 120-bed hotel and a new community centre, retail and business units.
A new Mews created through the site was at the heart of the design process to improve the public realm and provide greater connectivity / permeability. The new street aimed to create an urban route with active frontages to both sides from the hotel, community centre & cafe and retail and business units. The combined effect of the proposed uses provides a vibrant 24/7 environment, creating better local facilities, a more attractive environment and greater neighbourhood security and surveillance.
In addition, discussions took place with neighbouring landowners, existing tenants and residents, together with a public exhibition. All consultation was undertaken prior to the planning submission and helped inform the design. A detailed Design Statement was produced to explain the evolution and rationale behind how the building and environment would be inclusive, practical and attractive once built.
The proposal aimed to achieve a BREEAM rating of Very Good and through a series of energy efficiency measures the development would provide a CO2 reduction of approximately 32%.
As lead consultant PRC coordinated the design team and worked with the client’s aspirations to critically analyse the site and produce a set of design principles. A comprehensive programme of consultation was then undertaken with local and statutory authorities and the Greater London Authority.